Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Not me, my Garmin 305. 25mph, downhill, roughish road bounced my bike computer out of the holder and onto the road. Dang! It took a bit to realize what happened, stop, and walk back to the scene of the disaster. I also lost one of the buttons. Pook, ding-fu!
I originally planned to ride in the kitchen, but with the weather not as depressing as forecast, I took the opportunity to get in my hill workout. Similar to last week, except a few degrees colder, I actually felt pretty good. Until losing the computer. I gathered it up, and continued the ride.
Neither Courtyard nor Jester felt as tough as usual, but I don't have stats, only perceived exertion. Once home I emailed Garmin to see if they feel they can rehab the computer. If not, I'm in the market for a new one. Cycling goes on.
Today I really am riding in the kitchen, with my old HRM.

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