Friday, June 5, 2020


     First, some background.  Races for us old guys are divided into five-year categories.  We still like to compete but truthfully cannot against much younger riders.  But unless you are a real stud, the last two years of the category are not likely to garner gold medals (or even podiums in some cases).  Three years ago I was National Silver Medalist, and managed a few podiums the following year.  But my current focus is 2022.  This year I was devoting to getting stronger, spending more time in the gym.  Next year more toward holding strength and honing racing skills.
     I was doing quite well in the gym, working on legs.  Then I decided to add core work, alternating days with legs.  I signed up for ActivTrax, a free, computer generated training program that records what I've done and keeps me progressing, with various weight machines and exercises.  I managed to complete the initial, live-trainer workout to get a baseline but before my first solo workout, Covid closed down the Y.  Bummer!
     Last week I started back at the Y, only doing legs.  I was surprised at how much weight I couldn't do on the leg press.  I'd been doing 320 pounds, with a goal of 400.  Currently I'm hard pressed to push 200.  But that's another story.  Three days ago I did my first upper-body workout.  It was done without ActivTrax, as I just wanted to get familiar with the machines.  Even though I can do lots of push-ups, the rest of my upper body apparently is sadly under-muscled.
     The next day I did a long ride (55 miles) north of Corn Hill.  I hadn't been in the saddle more than fifteen minutes before various muscles started complaining.  Arms, traps, neck all didn't want to contribute to cycling.  Yesterday the lats were still complaining.  Today I skipped the scheduled upper body workout.  Fortunately, ActivTrax doesn't ding you for a missed day.  I hate going to the gym on Saturday, but I guess I'll suck it up and try to find a sparsely attended hour.  During the week, my primary time is 5:00 am.  But 10:00 am and 2:00 pm are good alternatives.