Sunday, July 3, 2011


Barry wanted to ride last Friday. He was going to do 70, how many did I want to do? I replied 60-65, since I need to work up to long rides once or twice a week, and the one with Amy and Chuck last week was my longest so far this year. My fitness has suffered. Speaking of Amy, we invited her along, and Rick (who is soon off to the TdF, Alps).
Wheels down slightly after the 7am planned time, so we could be off the road before noon. The temperature was in the high 70's and no wind (thus humid).
From Berry Springs to Schwertner to Bartlett to Granger, a nice loop. We stopped in Bartlett for fresh water and Gatorade (for them, I had plenty of liquid). None of this has anything to do with a guardian angel (although the ride was very pleasant and practically traffic free). The G A guided our movements to bring our ride in at 55 miles.
Shortly before 11am the wind strengthened out of the south, which happened to be in the direction we were going. Fortunately, it was only for a few miles before we turned east for a few miles and then would turn north and get the wind at our backs. So, as we headed south, we could see by our computers there would need to be a course correction if we were to actually get in 60 miles. Nope, my mouth was bigger than my legs when spouting out I needed 60 miles. But my brain, and body, had the final say and we completed the loop at 55 miles. As we cruised back into the park, all body parts were in agreement that today they had had enough. (Ed. note: the whole point of this entry is that leg and lung strength is only part of the equation. You also need to build up time-in-saddle muscles)
I added another 31 miles on Saturday and today (Sunday) had my fastest ride time ever on the 360 Loop ride (subtracting the 16 minutes to change a flat). About the flat, right after crossing the dam and as I finished up, a DPS trooper stopped by to alert cars and provide protection while I got myself together. I really need to get some tire-toughies if I'm to continue to ride 620.

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